Volunteer Resources

In order to help the Channel Islands Maritime Museum volunteers stay informed and updated on various areas, the  following resources are maintained in the Volunteer Resources folder. You can access:

Event Signups

Click the red links below to signup to volunteer at our upcoming events. If you prefer to signup by phone or email, contact Shoshanna at 805-984-6260 x102 or shnat@cimmvc.org



Desk & Docent schedules are now on Sign-up Genius. The old Schedules folder can still be accessed at the above link. The  Day Captains and Shifts reference file will still be at this link. Day captains will continue to coordinate scheduling.

Events happening outside of normal operations that need volunteers are also listed in Special Events.

If you would like to volunteer on any of the schedules please contact the appropriate Day Captain or for the desired day. For special events connect with the listed contact.

School Visits

If you would like to volunteer at our upcoming school visits please click here to signup.

If you would like to get involved with our education program, but have not yet had the training, please reach out to Bill Conroy at bconroy@dslextreme.com.


Various guides that our curator has prepared for permanent and temporary collections may be found in the Guides folder.

Volunteer Meetings

The agendas and minutes for volunteer meetings may be accessed in the Volunteer Meetings folder.

Volunteer Directory

The Directory folder contains a 2022 pdf file of the Red Book as well as a 2023 Google Worksheet with and without photo